List Of Byzantine Coins
All Byzantine Coins |
Leonid dynasty (457-518)
Leo I the Thracian (457 - 474)
Leo II (474)
Zeno (474 - 475)
Basiliscus (475 - 476)
Zeno (476 - 491)
Anastasius I (491 - 518)
Justinian dynasty (518-602)
Justin I (518 - 527)
Justinian I (527 - 565)
Justin II (565 - 578)
Tiberius II (574, 578 - 582)
Maurice (582 - 602)
Phocas (602 - 610)
Heraclian dynasty (610-695)
Heraclius (610 - 641)
Constantine III (641)
Heraklonas (641)
Constans II (641 - 668)
Mezezius (668 - 669)
Constantine IV (668 - 685)
Justinian II (685 - 695)
Non-dynastic (695-705)
Leontios (695 - 698)
Tiberios III (698 - 705)
Heraclian dynasty (705-711)
Justinian II (705 - 711)
Non-dynastic (711-717)
Philippikus Bardanes (711 - 713)
Anastasius II (713 - 715)
Theodosius III (715 - 717)
Isaurian dynasty (717-802)
Leo III (717 - 741)
Constantine V (741)
Artabasdus the Icon-lover (741 - 743)
Constantine V (743 - 775)
Leo IV (775 - 780)
Constantine VI (780 - 797)
Irene of Athens (797 - 802)
Nikephoros' dynasty (802-813)
Nikephorus I (802 - 811)
Staurakius (811)
Michael I (811 - 813)
Leo V (813 - 820)
Phrygian dynasty (820-867)
Michael II (820 - 829)
Theophilus (829 - 842)
Theodora (842 - 855)
Michael III (842 - 867)
Macedonian dynasty (867-1056)
Basil I ( 867 - 886)
Leo VI (886 - 912)
Alexander (912 - 913)
Constantine VII (913 - 959)
Romanos I Lekapenos (919 - 944)
Romanos II (959 - 963)
Nikephoros II Phokas (963 - 969)
John I Tzimiskes (969 - 976)
Basil II (976 - 1025)
Constantine VIII (1025 - 1028)
Zoe (1028 - 1050)
Romanos III (1028 - 1034)
Michael IV (1034 - 1041)
Michael V (1041 - 1042)
Theodora (1042)
Constantine IX (1042 - 1055)
Theodora (1055 - 1056)
Michael VI (1056 - 1057)
Isaac I Komnenos (1057 - 1059)
Doukid dynasty (1059-1081)
Constantine X (1059 - 1067)
Michael VII (1067 - 1078)
Romanos IV (1068 - 1071)
Nikephoros III (1078 - 1081)
Comnenid dynasty (restored, 1081-1185)
Alexios I (1081 - 1118)
John II (1118 - 1143)
Manuel I (1143 - 1180)
Alexios II (1180 - 1183)
Andronikos I (1183 - 1185)
Angelid dynasty (1185-1204)
Isaac II (1185 - 1195)
Alexios III (1195 - 1203)
Isaac II ( 1203 - 1204)
Alexios IV (1203 - 1204)
Nikolaos Kanabos (1204)
Alexios V (1204)
Laskarid dynasty (1204-1261)
Constantine Laskaris (1204)
Theodore I (1204 - 1222)
John III (1222 - 1254)
Theodore II (1254 - 1258)
John IV (ruled 1258 - 1261)
Palaiologan Dynasty (restored to Constantinople, 1259-1453)
Michael VIII (1259 - 1282)
Andronikos II ( 1282 - 1328)
Andronikos III (1328 - 1341)
John V Palaiologos (1341 - 1347)
John VI Kantakouzenos (1347 - 1354)
John V Palaiologos (1354 - 1376)
Andronikos IV Palaiologos (ruled 1376 - 1379)
John V Palaiologos (1379 - 1390)
John VII Palaiologos (1390)
John V Palaiologos (1390 - 1391)
Manuel II (1391 - 1425)
John VII (1399 - 1402)
John VIII (1425 - 1448)
Constantine XI (1449 - 1453)